St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church
12095 Blades Road, Cordova, MD 21625
Email: info@stpaulscordova.org
Phone: 410-364-5147
All are welcome! Come and worship year round on Sundays at 8:45 a.m.
As Lutherans we believe that "The Church is the congregation of saints, in which the Gospel is rightly taught and the sacraments are rightly administered."[1] We recognize that the Church is a place where "there are both good and bad fishes"[2] united by the Holy Spirit to be the body of Christ; Christ is the head of the Church.[3] This Church has been made holy through the cleansing waters of baptism which wash away our sin and give us new life together in Christ Jesus.
At St. Paul's we celebrate our identity as the Church as we gather weekly on Sundays to hear the Word of God proclaimed through Old and New Testament scripture readings, preaching, prayer, and songs. We receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion regularly.
8:45 am Church Service
Sunday School Following Worship
5 pm Vespers
at Grace Lutheran
in Easton, MD
8:30 Matins
9 am Bible Study at St Paul's
12 pm Holy Eucharist
at Grace Lutheran
in Easton, MD
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Office Hours 8:00 am-2:00 pm

Take a look at what St. Paul's has to offer you!
Included are all the services we will have during our 2025 Lenten Season. Click on the link above.
June 8-13 Mission Trip to North Carolina
See Nicole Barth for details